ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

ESG is abbreviated by the first 3 letters of Environment, Social and Governance, a set of 3 standards to measure factors related to sustainable development orientation and activities of the business.

The phrase ESG dates back to the 1960s and 1970s, when protests and social movements in the United States and Europe exploded, especially in the areas of the environment and human rights. Events such as protests against the Vietnam War, environmental accidents such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and increased attention to labor rights and social interactions have creating a new wave of awareness about the role of businesses in society.

Since then, ESG has gradually become an important part of business and investment strategies, especially after the 2008 global financial crisis. Investors and businesses realize that integrating Environmental, social and good governance factors not only add value to businesses but also help reduce risks and contribute to the sustainable development of both society and the environment.

Recently, LEVA participated in a webinar organized by TUV on March 5, 2024, focusing on important standards such as:

  • Ensuring business continuity (ISO 22301),
  • Information and data protection (ISO 27001),
  • Environmental impact assessment of products and services (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044),
  • Energy management (ISO 50001) and
  • Climate measurement, reporting and validation (ISO 14064).

Practicing according to these standards not only ensures that business operations are carried out in a sustainable manner, but also actively contributes to building a global economy that complies with ESG principles.


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